Your Pet, Our Passion.
Beagle sat on owners lap whilst she works

Pets at Work & Covid

Thinking of re-introducing dogs to your office? Discover the measures we’ve put in place and our Purina top tips.​

At Purina, we passionately believe that pets and people are better together. That’s why we’ve made championing Pets at Work one of our 10 ‘Purina in Society Commitments’.

We believe now more than ever that Pets at Work plays in important role in helping people manage their work life balance and experience the great impact pets can have in the workplace.​

Despite these unusual times, we’ve been working to adapt our Pets at Work policy to bring dogs back to our offices safely and in line with government guidelines. ​

Purina's top tips to welcome dogs back into the office

With offices introducing strict hygiene policies and being reconfigured to maintain social distancing, you might be wondering what measures you need to put in place to welcome dogs back in the office.

We’ve been piloting bringing dogs back into our Gatwick office on a limited basis since July and we’re now sharing practical hints and tips to help other organisations and pet owners benefit from what we’ve learnt during this trial phase.

Border Collie looking out of a window
Purina expertise
Worried about separation anxiety?
Many of us have spent the last few months at home with our four-legged friends. If you’re unable to bring your dog to work, you might be worried about pet separation anxiety. Learn how to ease your dog into being left home alone with our guide.
Beagle aan een bureau met Bonio-dozen
Pets at work
Interested in setting up Pets at Work in your workplace?
We want to use our expertise in allowing pets in our offices to help other companies do the same. If you are interested in making your workplace pet friendly, contact us and we will help you!
Chien et chat regardant vers le haut

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